*COVID-19 Emergency Update*
*COVID-19 Emergency Update*
01/20/2021- Covid-19 is a major public health concern, and a growing crisis across the country. The United States has reported 24,045,084 infections and lost 403,576 lives so far. This is over a million new cases since the last update. Georgia has reported 464,526 cases and 9,380 deaths. The Georgia governor's office released the "Georgia Safety Promise" encouraging Georgia businesses to follow CDC guidelines in order to protect the public. Medicine Wheel Clinic is proud to be enrolled in this public health program. The crisis has risen to the point where US citizens are being barred from traveling to countries that have flattened their infection and death toll through the use of masks (Such as most of Europe). Many of the most heavily impacted states are stopping or revising their reopening plans in response to the major increase in infection rates (such as Florida, Arizona, and Texas). We need to take care of ourselves and each other, now more than ever.
Please stay safe at home whenever possible and follow CDC guidelines. Please avoid travel, especially to highly infected areas.
Please take this virus seriously, it is NOT A HOAX.
The CDC has updated their information on how to prevent transmission of COVID-19. Please see the CDC Page On COVID-19 Prevention for more information. Further research has discovered that face coverings (especially when indoors) are the best way to keep you and your community safe. It is still good to wash your hands frequently, but there is more evidence to support that the main form of transmission is inhaling respiratory droplets from an infected person into your own lungs . You are safer outside with social distancing (6 feet), but new evidence suggests that the risk of contracting this virus is much greater when indoors, and that the recirculation of air may contribute to indoor transmission. Cloth or surgical masks have been found to be greatly effective in reducing spread, especially indoors or within 6 feet of others. The less comfortable, but more effective, N95 masks that were the initial recommendation are still ideal. Cloth or surgical mask face coverings are also encouraged if the N95 is too uncomfortable for you. Please see the CDC page On Masks.
When you come into the clinic, please know that we are following special precautions and CDC recommendations related to infectious disease. Please be prepared to wash your hands upon entering the clinic, keep six feet distance from people, don't sit right next to someone in the lobby, be conscious of not touching your face, exit through the back door, be prepared to update us on medical status or exposure to sick people, and limit time in clinic to essential tasks. Tele-counseling is encouraged for the safety of patients and staff.
At this time, we do not know when the emergency regulations regarding take home medications will be changed. We obtained official approvals from the Federal and State government to provide emergency doses to all patients, effective 03/21/20. Until the Georgia State of Emergency has been officially lifted and the Georgia Methadone Authority instructs us to resume normal operations, the clinic will be open for dosing Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with potential emergency hours as needed. Patients can receive special take home doses for days that the clinic is closed. Stable patients can receive additional take home doses based upon phase and stability in treatment. If you have any questions about your emergency take home schedule, please call and speak with a counselor Monday, Wednesday, or Friday from 5:30-12:00 at 770-277-7958 or call/text 678-315-1479 for emergencies, dosing information, or scheduling concerns for days when the clinic is closed.
All human beings on this earth are interconnected. We can beat the curve of this virus as a community to lessen the impact to Barrow County. Let's all work together to protect ourselves and each other during these challenging times. Thank you for your commitment to treatment, health, and well being. Please contact us directly with any questions or concerns that you may have.
COVID-19 Resource Center
COVID-19 Resource Center
Below you will find links to agencies and institutions that have provided important information on the response to COVID-19. We will be providing updates here for the community as a resource as we become aware of them.
Below you will find links to agencies and institutions that have provided important information on the response to COVID-19. We will be providing updates here for the community as a resource as we become aware of them.
COVID-19 Prevention
COVID-19 Prevention
There are many steps you can take to reduce the chance of you contracting or spreading the virus. You can have and transmit the virus for 5-10 days before showing any symptoms. See the link below for CDC information on preventing contraction of COVID-19.
CDC information on COVID-19 Prevention
The Georgia Department of Public Health is also providing a tracker where you can see infected areas and daily updates.
GDPH COVID-19 Daily Status Report
The Georgia Department of Health and Human Services (who oversees things like behavioral health, family and child services, etc) has released the following information related to COVID-19.
COVID-19 Symptoms, Testing, and Sickness
COVID-19 Symptoms, Testing, and Sickness
The primary symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. Please see the link below for CDC information on recognizing symptoms of COVID-19. They also have a helpful self-checker that can help you determine the best next step if you are exhibiting symptoms.
CDC Information on COVID-19 Symptoms
Certain groups have an increased risk of infection. Please see below to find out if you are in a high risk group and what steps you should take.
CDC Information in COVID-19 Higher Risk for Severe Illness
If you suspect you may have contracted the virus, there are important steps to take.
Emergency Services
Emergency Services
If you are unemployed or have experienced a reduction in hours or days due to the crisis, you can find more information on filing unemployment related to COVID-19 at this Department of Labor blog post. Your employer is responsible for parts of this as well, so make sure they are aware of these new rulings and responsibilities. Click the link below for further information.
DOL Blog New Information On Georgia Unemployment
Schools are experiencing closures. Please see the Georgia Department of Education Website for further information.
GDOE Information on COVID-19 Closures
Barrow County
Below you will find the link where Barrow County announcements are posted.
Food Assistance
Northeast Georgia Health System has released a document of food assistance agencies in Barrow County.
Department of Corrections
The Georgia Department of Corrections is taking extra steps to protect inmates or detainees in prisons or jails.
COVID-19 Financial Assistance
COVID-19 Financial Assistance
Medicine Wheel Clinic recognizes the financial strain this has put on patients, businesses, employees, and the community at large. If you are suffering financial loss, please contact us to discuss treatment options and to learn the latest information on available programs.
The Federal government recently approved a large stimulus package to help revive the US Economy. Below you will find information from the State of GA, USDT, and IRS regarding advice for financial stability during the crisis. We will provide updates on economic relief options as we become aware of them.
USDT (United States Department of Treasury), Personal Finance and Consumer Protection
Georgia COVID-19 State Services
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), Public Assistance Application